Healing Tailored To You

I specialise in providing help and support to those of you who are struggling with stress, lack of energy, and low mood. I provide a range of healing services that can help to restore the inner strength, vitality, and confidence that is missing from your life right now. I offer a bespoke healing service from my riverview healing space in Kingston upon Thames, finding the exact right approach for you to restore your inner joy and purpose.

I am here to help you on your journey away from the chaos of life, and towards a place of greater peace, clarity, and balance.

My offerings include:

  • Bespoke and Blended Healing sessions ~ a space to talk, relax and heal.
  • Therapeutic Healing packages* ~ a space for quiet healing

* Single sessions are available to book, but if you are looking to address a particular issue and are ready to commit to a healing programme, 6 sessions are recommended at the outset to facilitate initial healing, with regular follow-up appointments to maintain balance and wellness. For this reason, I offer a 6 session discounted programme from the outset.

Please see below for details of what I offer to help you come back into balance, happiness and flow.

Bespoke and Blended Healing Sessions

Your bespoke and blended healing sessions are adapted to your current situation and where you want to be. If you are looking for a space to talk, let go, accept, and heal, I offer 90 minutes of bespoke healing. This gives us time to talk through where you are right now, and find solutions to help you move forward, together with the appropriate and best healing modality for your current situation.

All sessions held on my riverview healing studio in Kingston upon Thames - Ideal for those living in Teddington, Surbiton, Twickenham, Richmond and surrounding areas.

Single session 90 minutes ~ £89

Please see below for more details of the therapies on offer and fees for individual sessions and programmes.

Holistic Healing Therapies

Member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR Membership number - 8717)

Zone Face Lift ~ Gua Sha Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki and Deluxe Holistic Facial.

Please ask about combining 2 or 3 therapies into a unique and bespoke experience

Zone Face Lift ~ Gua Sha Therapy
A natural facelift therapy to inspire confidence, acceptance and peace.

A wonderful therapeutic experience that has profound transformative healing benefits, as well as being an amazing therapy for supporting women through the natural aging process, instilling a sense of confidence and acceptance as we get older.

The unique combination of facial reflexology and acupressure, advanced Zone Face Lift massage techniques, facial cupping AND the use of crystal, stone and stainless steel tools, creates change within the physical and energetic body that uncovers a deep sense of release and healing from within.

By lightly gliding the tools across the cranium and face, across meridians, reflexology zones and acupressure points, it can create changes in the underlying tissues relieving physical and energetic stagnation and congestion. By stimulating elastin and collagen, and removing excess fluid and facial puffiness, you can achieve a more sculpted and radiant appearance, creating a natural lift within the face.

This is a wonderful therapy that works from the inside out, creating an inner soul transformation. It can have a profound effect on the way you see yourself. This unique combination therapy helps to peel away layers of long held physical and emotional tension, uncovering a radiance and inner and outer glow that will leave you feeling and looking refreshed, brighter and even a little bit younger.

For more profound results with longer lasting benefits, a 6 or 12 week programme is recommended

75 minutes - £75

90 minutes - £89 *Recommended*

6 week programme - 75/90 mins -£420/£499

Facial Reflexology and Zone Face Lift
Facial Reflexology - Bergman Method
The perfect alternative to foot reflexology - or why not try a combination of foot and facial reflexology.

This award-winning therapy involves the gentle manipulation of facial reflex points, that correspond to organs and glands in the body to promote physical, mental, and emotional balance and wellbeing.

Facial Reflexology can be really helpful in the support of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as in the management of issues such as:

  • headaches,
  • migraines,
  • sleep issues,
  • digestive disturbances,
  • Bell's Palsy,
  • jaw clenching,
  • bruxism,
  • sinus congestion.

Incorporating a gentle facial massage which has a wonderful nourishing and revitalising effect on the skin, increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the facial tissues, and removing excess fluid and waste products through the lymphatic system, reducing facial puffiness and swelling.

This is perfect for those who want Reflexology but do not like having their feet touched, or for anyone looking for a deeply relaxing and transformative therapy experience.

*Highly recommended for those experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety*

60 minutes - £65

90 minutes Facial & Foot Reflexology - £85

6 week programme - 60/90 mins - £360/£450

Menopause ~ Face, Hand & Foot Reflexology
90 minutes of relaxation & hormone balancing

I am thrilled to be providing this innovative and exclusive approach to supporting my clients struggling with debilitating menopause symptoms. There is currently nothing quite like it that supports your body on such a holistic level.

Starting the Reflexology treatment on the face and working down the body via the hands to the feet, this unique hormone balancing experience, helps to flush out old negative energetic patterns and re-establishes a therapeutic balance and energy flow from the face to the feet and back again. This cleansing space encourages the body to realign and find its own natural flow and equilibrium.

Together with lifestyle advice, this unique approach to managing menopause is helpful to those looking for a natural approach AND for those taking HRT. The body will do what it needs to do, in conjunction with the triple whammy reflexology, to begin to restore balance.

This unique therapy can help in the support and management of:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Relaxation
  • Sleep disturbances,
  • Hot flushes
  • Mood changes
  • Low energy
  • Aches and pains

For more profound and longer lasting results, a 6 or 12 week programme is recommended,

90 minutes - £85

6 week programme - £450

Other Reflexology Treatments - inclusive of lifestyle advice and AromaReflex essential oils.


Cranio Sacral Reflexology

A fusion of Cranio Sacral therapy and Reflexology that promotes balance within the body through the central nervous system. It is particularly helpful in releasing fascial tension and trauma in the body, restoring physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

This innovative and award winning approach to Reflexology focuses the stimulation of lymphatic reflexes on the feet to cause a therapeutic effect on the lymphatic system and optimise immune function. Providing support to clients struggling with lymphoedema, lipoedema, arthritis and gout, chronic stress and chronic invisible illness.

Mindful Reflexology

Supporting you through your recovery from chronic stress, anxiety and depression. incorporating breathwork, mindfulness exercises and an innovative biofeedback system, where you can see, in real time, your body's response to stress and simple techniques to restore balance, coherence and personal resilience.

Reflexology for Wellbeing

Supporting whole body balance by restoring physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium. With an emphasis on providing time and space for therapeutic relaxation, your mind and body has a chance to rest and recuperate. Do not underestimate the importance of relaxation on your health and wellbeing.

Maternity Reflexology

Providing a safe and supportive space from the beginning to the end of your pregnancy journey. With techniques to help manage morning sickness, heartburn, constipation, backache, swollen feet and labour support, Reflexology gives you the time for much needed relaxation, and the opportunity to nurture yourself and your baby.

Hot Stone Reflexology

Using hot stones to deepen the therapeutic effects of reflexology. The use of hot stones relaxes the body at a deep level and creates an enhanced sense of harmony and balance. The warmth and nurturing effects of the stones intensifies the relaxing effects of the reflexology and increases the feeling of blissfulness and peace.

Reiki Healing
Harmonising your energy - Transform stress into stillness and chaos into calm and clarity. Experience the true healing power of Reiki.

Reiki is the perfect therapy for those looking to find the balance, calm and stillness that they are looking for. I have used this wonderful therapy to support many people on their spiritual and healing journeys and with those looking for a space of harmony and peace.

Reiki, combined with Chakra Balancing is a safe and therapeutic healing experience, and it helps to bring balance back to your mind, body, and spirit. Finding that space of peace and stillness can help you find the clarity and purpose that you are looking for.

Reiki is an empowering form of healing, as the healing is happening within you, by you. I am the facilitator of your energetic flow, giving a little gentle encouragement to allow your body to return to harmonious balance and flow.

Incorporating mindfulness, crystals, cleansing herbs and chimes, Reiki is is a safe, gentle, non-invasive therapy that can yield a profound healing experience from deep within your being. If you are looking for a space of relaxation, peace and calm, then this is for you.

60 minutes - £60

6 week programme - £320

Deluxe Holistic Facial
A complete holistic facial experience ~ nourish your skin, your mind, your body and soul.

A fabulous treat for you and your skin. The perfect combination of:

  • Hot towels for steaming the face,
  • Natural, organic facial products,
  • Facial Reflexology
  • Advanced facial massage techniques,
  • Facial Gua Sha, and
  • Therapeutic relaxation techniques,

This is a unique, therapeutic facial experience. Hot towels to steam the face, followed by beautiful products, including a facial cleanser, exfoliator, mask, toner, moisturiser, and eye cream, together with a gorgeous facial oil for facial reflexology, facial massage and Gua Sha.

The facial products contain beautiful, therapeutic ingredients that all have unique benefits for the skin, mind, and body.

*I use specially formulated and award-winning Zone Face Lift products, Neals Yard, or other suitable organic products, dependent on each and every client's requirements*

75 minutes - £85